Emma Curtis Hopkins teaches:
"All seeds have their seed within themselves, so the Scriptures tell us."
It is your business to stop thinking about your troubles, about yourself, about the "man", and give thanks and praise that your words and prayers are working well. When you are pledged to principle, everything will work out with loving kindness. We must think new and joyful thoughts about people and life, about our circumstances, and soon they begin to respond to our thoughts.
Emma further teaches that if a person continues to have a recurring challenge (seeming problem) in life that the person may well be imagining a mixture of good and evil. During the years of the George Bush administration such seeds of thought were placed into the thought atmosphere on a daily basis by some of the most powerful men and women in our nation. We still find media commentators spouting seeds of fear, doubt, and uncertainty in our world. Emma tells us that when one "imagines a mixture of good and evil in the universe, he is sure to see a great deal of good and evil. If he lets his mind balance on the gloomy side, more than on the joyous side, he will see more evil conditions than good in his lot. He will not see his world record joyoousness, if he does not put joyousness forth, from his mind as a steady stream into the world."
If a particular crises arises before us a fourth time, it shows that there is a conflict of the mind. It show that we have been disturbed on the question as to which is more powerful in the world, good or evil. We may have been focusing on whether or not there is a Satan. Maybe we thought that in the long run the good, right and justice would prevail but for now things were pretty dark. Things must seem very mixed up for us. When this occurs, we must let Spirit within us say:
"I do not believe in mixtures. I do not believe in failure. I believe in success."
When you feel mixed up within yourself as to the state of the world, state in your own mind and say strongly:
"I do not believe in evil; I believe only in the Good Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent. I do not believe that it takes time for goodness to demonstrate itself powerfully; I believe goodness demonstrates itself instantly. I do not believe in poverty; I believe in the wealth, the prosperity, the substance of Spirit. I do not believe in sickness; I believe in health; I do not believe in discord; I believe in harmony. I do not believe in sorrow; I believe in joy. I do not believe in sloth, laziness, or procrastination; I believe in the activity and life of Spirit. I do not believe in deceit; I belive in truth. I do not believe in darkness; I believe in the Light. I do not believe in trouble; I believe in peace."
When facing a particularly tough circumstance in your life, stand away from it. Declare in the face of seeming disaster:
"I do not believe in it. I do not believe in that side of the situation. I believe in success, victory, and prosperity, for myself in the name of Jesus Christ."
Emma tells us to say the above to every single one of our troubles. She says to take one afternoon a week and say those words out loud. She assures us that the old conditions and circumstances must unglue, must go, for God reigns. Believe it! It works. I know for I have tried it in my own life.
Let us remember Isaiah's promise:
"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee."
There is absolultely no combination of circumstances so hard or bleak for God. God can work a miracle in every circumstances. We must step aside and let God do that which is his to do.
Let us say aloud:
"There is nothing to fear. I am clinging to a loving God. I cannot doubt the Good. I believe in a loving God. I do not believe in appearances. I believe in God here present in loving kindness. I do not believe in a whole army or a whole corporation or entity of evil conditions. I believe God is bringing us all through safely and prosperously."
Remember that there is NO COMBINATION of circumstances so hard, or bleak, or complicated for God to work a miracle in them. Each of us was born of God so we must go toward God, toward the Good beyond good.
All the world, our close friends, our family, our associates, and everyone is Good Let Let us know together that God is working a miracle in our lives today.
Namaste and blessings to you my friends.